Tuesday, June 19, 2007

NextPhase Wireless Adds 'Peace of Mind' Networking Software to Portfolio

Connectivity is increasingly a commodity, and while customers are consuming more and more of it, they're also open to getting it from whichever provider has the lowest price. While this can be a false economy (those bargain prices don't seem so hot when you have an outage and then you find out all the things that the no-frills package doesn't include), it sends a signal to the rest of us that we need to articulate the value that we bring to our customers.

At NextPhase, we've spent a lot of time thinking about this and where we've come out is that above and beyond connectivity, what people are looking for is 'peace of mind'. Think about it. Whether it's our connection at home, in the office, or when we're traveling, we want connectivity to be available when we need it. We don't want to have to wait months to get it (think leased lines .. think fiber); we want to have a range of connectivity options (not one size, and one price, fits all); we want plug and play ease of use; we want flexibility and scalability (so that the service can adjust to our changing needs, and not the other way around).

Over the last couple of months, we've made a couple of announcements regarding new products and services that enhance our core portfolio of connectivity services. Today, we announced that we've added additional 'Peace of Mind' networking software to our portfolio. In surveying a cross-section of our customers, we've learned that security, disaster recovery and network management are increasingly giving them headaches and keeping them awake at night. As traditional boundaries (between work and play; between public and private; between company, supplier, partner, competitor, and customer) continue to get blurred, people are realizing that while this 'always on' world provides a wealth of opportunities (to be able to create, share and collaborate with others, to have 'any place, any time, any device' access, etc.), it also comes with increased risks and challenges.

All too often, technology's answer to these risks and challenges is to throw in more difficult to access features (hands up all those people who have cursed, and not just under their breath, as they've tried to securely share files across multiple PCs on their wireless network at home, or to configure a virtual private network (VPN) at the office?) Here, at NextPhase, we've decided enough is enough, and we're introducing a range of products and services intended to relieve those headaches and bring an end to those sleepless nights.

Whether it is tools to assist SOHO (Small Office / Home Office) business and residential customers with setting up, managing and securing their networks, or security, disaster recovery, network performance and consolidated communication capabilities aimed at small and midsize businesses, we're definitely in the 'peace of mind' business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you mentioned earlier about moving to licensed spectrum. could you elaborate...specifically, what advantages do you expect to gain? thanks.