Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Elite Communications Group

Recently I have been asked why NextPhase hired Elite Communications Group to handle our Media and Investor Relations.

NextPhase has been growing at an astronomical rate. The cost to hire an in-house Investor Relation person is over twice the cost of hiring a firm such as Elite. Also, I have had a business relationship with the founders of Elite for the past 10 years. I have found them to be courteous and responsive to the needs of our shareholders.

Although the CEO Robert Ford and I are still available to take calls from our shareholders, we have found that the direct questions from potential investors and institutional investors are better handled by an Investor Relations firm and that the dissemination of material is more effective with the professionals.

With the new regulations and Sarbanes Oxley rules we feel we are more protected from outsiders gaining inside information by a slip or a inquisitive investor.

Thank you
Tom Hemingway

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you plan to utilize WIMAX after moving to a licensed spectrum?